My grandmother passed away last week and Hudson and I traveled to Ohio for her funeral. When my mom first talked to me about going, she said she figured I wouldn't be able to go since I had a new baby and a three year old. I know she was trying to make things easier on me; but, luckily, my twin sister called me to tell me that I really needed to come--that she wanted me to come, so she could see me and meet Hudson, but also that I would also really regret not being there. Bless her. I needed someone to tell me that. So, I set up some playdates for Reese with some of my very supportive friends and booked my flight. Reese was sad for about 2.5 seconds when I told her that I was going on a trip without her. It went something like this:
Me: Reese, Hudson and I are going to go on a trip for a couple of days and you are going to stay home with Dad.
Reese: But, if you go on a trip, I will miss you too much.
Me: I know, but I set up some playdates for you while I am gone. One day you will go to Haley's house, and one day you will go to Liberty's house, and one day you will go to Julia Karen's house. You are going to have so much fun!
Reese: I love it when you go out of town!
I know she was just trying to make me feel less guilty.
So, after a delicious Easter dinner, made by my in-laws who were passing through town, Hudson and I headed to Ohio. Hudson was a dream traveler! And, although the circumstances were very sad, it was so nice to get to Ohio and see my parents, all my sisters, my brother and my two nieces (I love my nieces to pieces!)