Monday, June 09, 2008

My favorite quirk

Reese is a funny, little girl. I think she gets it from her mom. Last night at dinner, I was holding the babe while the rest of the Wheatley's were chatting...anyway, it was getting close to nap time, so I was trying to entertain her so she wouldn't get too fussy at the table. I was blowing (softly) in her face and she would get big eyes while she gasped a little bit, and then she would get the biggest, gummy smile and then make one of her little squeak laughs! Then I would laugh and then she would was hilarious! I think James, who was sitting directly to my right, was the only other one at the table who could see what she was doing--sometimes she laughs when others are laughing and when she does it with me, I cannot help but crack up!

[Tell me something else funny that she does.] Ok. So, Reese used to be a little spastic in her arm movements. In fact, when one of Michael's friends would ask how the baby was doing, he wouldn't even say her name, he would just say, "How's [then he would throw his arm out to the side, in the same way that Reese would]?" He's a funny guy. Well, as Reese has gotten more control of her motor skills, those spastic movements have calmed down. But, one thing that she continues to do, that kills me every time, is whenever she is unswaddled after a nap, she will immediately throw her arms up to get in a few good stretches. And if she is laying down, she will do the same thing with her legs--I like to say she is hitting all four corners. One day I caught it on film:


Heidi said...

Max attempts to hit all 4 corners during his naps. He totaly grunts and wiggles in his swaddle until he can be spread eagle. But then he is still totally asleep during all of it. Hilarious. Anyway, he and Reese are meant to be ;-)

Lindsey said...

So adorable. You are making me excited to have a little one again!

Lyns said...

Hilarious! Kids are SOOOOO fun!

Tessa said...

ooo - that is kind of like what I do after a few hours in my cube. :) can't wait to meet her! 20 days and counting!

Lauren said...

do you say, "how big's the baby?? SO big!" :)
love it!

Lindsey from The R House said...

i love those thighs.

tyson gets this face that she has in the bottom photo when he stretches too. what can i say? i guess it just runs in the family.

(that's funny because tyson is adopted. i might be the only one laughing.)