Tuesday, May 15, 2007

No Longer a 1L!

It's officially over. The first year of law school is officially over! At times, I wondered if this day would ever come...ok, ok, I'm beling a little melodramatic. This first year was not nearly as bad as I was expecting, or maybe Mike just made it look easy. After three weeks of constant studying, Mike finshed his last final on Friday. He is officially no longer a 1L...that means "first-year law student" in law school lingo. Lame, I know. I have been so impressed by Mike's hard work and dedication. He has been so incredibly focused...the poor guy even spent his entire 25th birthday studing for his most difficult final, which he then took from 6-11pm that night. Well, the hard work has paid off and he finally gets a few weeks of complete freedom and relaxation before he starts his internship. No one could deserve it more!


blythe said...

Congrats on finishing the first year! Im hoping in a couple of years I can say the same for us! Lets play when you come to Utah!

mattnbeth said...

congrats to you both for surviving your first year! thats quite an accomplishment. im jealous youre off to utah for awhile though :)

Heidi said...

Now you have to change the heading descrption of your blog- your hubby is no longer just starting law school! Hurray for you both

Lindsey from The R House said...

congrats, T! you are the real trooper!

Lauren said...

yah, congrats to mike, but hello - you are the "neck that turns the head" :) can't wait to see y'all.
Mike is a stud though, was that ever in question?

Kelly said...

That's awesome!! What an accomplishment!! Now you two can go play and have a good break for a little while at least:)