Thursday, February 26, 2009

I love this flat iron!

On our trip to Utah/Montana for Thanksgiving this past year, I misplaced my flat iron. This is very upsetting for a few reasons. Firstly, as I was packing for our trip, I debated whether or not to take my flat iron because I knew in Utah I could use my sister's straightener and in Montana I could use my Mom's. (And, now that I share a suitcase with Reese, I am all about packing light!) But, I packed my straightener anyway, thinking it would just be easier to have my own. For the entire two weeks I was gone, I didn't use my flat iron at all. And I am almost positive that I didn't even take it out of my suitcase. So, when I unpacked my bag when we got home and it was not there, you can imagine how upset I was. Ugh. I knew I shouldn't have packed it! I asked my sister, sister-in-law, and Mom to look at their houses to see if I had possibly left it there (even though I knew the chances were slim). To no avail. I'm fairly certain some TSA guard "forgot" to put the flat iron back in my bag after searching through my things. What else could have happened?!

Anyway, flat irons don't come cheap these days, especially not one you'd actually want to use on your hair. (Note: I admit. I am a hair snob. I lived with a hair stylist for a few years, what can I say?!) I have gone months without a flat iron--I'm not really sure what I was waiting for or when I would replace it...I was probably still hoping that mine would show up one of these days.

Today, on a routine trip to Costco, what should I see almost as soon as I walk in, but a mountain of Chi flat irons....and, it gets better...they were a third of the price you would pay at a salon! Oh, Happy Day! I was so excited, I almost got two! I wanted to call everyone I know to see if they are in need of a flat iron, but I thought this might be a more efficient way. So, if you live in the DC area and need a flat iron, get to the Pentagon City Costco! If you don't live around here and need one, and your Costco doesn't have them, let me know and I will run back for some more! (or maybe you could get them at


Abby said...

We were just talking about your missing flat iron a couple days ago--now you have one! Yay! I have a flat iron but you're a good salesperson...I might have to pick up a new one tomorrow:)

Jessica F. said...


Cardon & Whitney said...

wow i can't believe COSTCO has much are they there?

Lauren said...

you're funny taryn, but oh how we get attached to our little tools. :)

Tabitha (From Single to Married) said...

I agree - flat irons have to be the good ones or else they catch your hair and do all kinds of damage! Good for you for finding a nice one at a good price too! (btw - just had to comment, found your blog through Tracy).

Toronto's said...

I lcve it!!! I was at Nordstrom Rack the other day and found one for 99$ and I love it.

OnCallMom said...

That's hilarious! I love my Chi (if only I had time to use it more regularly). I almost wish I needed a new one so that I could save some cash! I got my first one on ebay.