Thursday, August 13, 2009

princess swimsuit

Just a few extra pictures of Reese at the Lake. Reese wasn't quite sure about this bathing suit when she saw it on the cardboard hanger. I don't blame her...I wasn't quite sure about it myself. But once we got to the lake and that was the only bathing suit that made it in the bag, she warmed up to it pretty quickly.

Beep, beep!

(don't worry, the tube is just on the dock, no need to get sweaty palms)
I guess it's one of those things that is much cuter on.


Heidi said...

Max hates his shirt he has like this. I don't blame him, it rides up into his face anytime we get in the water. I guess I better bring it to MT though!

Lauren said...

oh I LOVE this baby!!!!!!!!!

Lindsey from The R House said...

look at those little knees. i miss her so!!

Kelly Dowling Stimpson said...

Hey, as Dad just said: "It's a life saving suit!" Remember that!
As Granny would say: "She'd look cute in a burlap bag!"