Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
Missed the Boat
March Madness officially began yesterday. My husband sent me a link to fill out my own bracket (I rocked everyone with my bracket last year!) and I thought I had until today to fill it out. Imagine my surprise when I saw that the basketball games actually started last night...and I hadn't filled out my bracket. I didn't think I would be as upset as I am about this...I mean, I was the one who two years ago complained that basketball had completely taken over our lives and I couldn't stomach the thought of watching another game. Last year was much better--probably because my bracket killed Michael's bracket! But, for some reason, I am really bummed that I can't be apart of the competition this year. Boo. I suppose I will have to think of something else to do to get into the spirit of March Madness this year. Any suggestions?
Monday, March 17, 2008
First Photo Shoot
Reese had her first professional photo shoot last week and she was a real trooper. It's not that easy to look your best for pictures when you are woken up in the middle of your nap and forced to try different poses and wardrobe changes, but Reese handled it like a champ! We did have to take a couple breaks to calm her down (also a lunch break when she woke up hungry)...but all in all, she did a great job and her pictures turned out really cute! Here are a few of my favorite shots.

By the end, poor little Reese had had enough. So sad, but I still think this picture is a crack up. I love to see all those gums with no teeth!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Although this is the title of one of the most popular songs from the Christmas Holidays, I find it very appropriate to describe this time of year as well--Daylight Saving. Personally, by the time the first day of daylight saving arrives after a long, cold winter, I get just about as excited as I do for Christmas morning. No kidding. (Likewise, the worst day of the year, in my opinion, is the first day after we set our clocks back and hour...when you leave work at five o'clock pm and it is already pitch black outside. So depressing.) The fact the Daylight Saving now comes around a couple weeks earlier and ends a couple weeks later rivals the best Christmas present I have ever gotten! Reese and I enjoyed the extended daylight hours yesterday by going on a walk to the law school so that we could walk home with Michael. So fun! And that is just the beginning. Here's to you, Daylight Saving!
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Checking in at 2 weeks
I will be the first to say that Reese has spoiled me with her awesome sleeping habits, but last night definitely takes the cake! I put Reese to bed around 9:30pm, she didn't get up to eat until just after 3am, and then she didn't wake up again until 9am! (And, she might have slept even longer, but I had to get her started to go to her 2-week check-up at 9:45.) I woke up yesterday with some flu-like symptoms and took some ibuprofen in the evening, and my first thought was that I drugged her with my meds and that was why she was sleeping so long. I asked the doctor this morning and she said maybe if I were taking Percocet that might have knocked Reese out, but ibuprofen definitely didn't do it. So, Reese really did have an amazing night all on her own!
In other news, Reese had a great visit to the doctor...she now weighs 8 lbs 6 oz...a 15 oz weight gain in 11 days! So, I guess she is getting enough to eat (so hard to tell when you can't measure in ounces on a bottle). Reese's doctor was also very impressed by the way she was holding her head up on her own..."as good as a four-month old" were the exact words of the pediatrician, I believe. (Michael, that's for you. He makes fun of parents that brag about their kids when they are in the 95th percentile of this, or the 98th percentile of that...or "he's not supposed to be doing that for another two weeks!". Maybe now that he has a daughter, he will understand the desire to brag to everyone about even the smallest accomplishment.) So, at two weeks, Reese gets an A+.
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