Tuesday, September 09, 2008

this baby's got moves!

Reese has been working on her new moves for a couple weeks now. She started pulling up onto her knees from her tummy and then rocking back and forth. Then she realized that if she lunged forward onto her tummy from her knees, she would end up that much closer to her goal. It wasn't long after that she realized her arms would move forward too (what a concept!), and now there is no stopping her!

It cracks me up every time!


Andrea Hatch said...

It is so cute to see a baby as small as Reese actually crawling already. She is amazing and so beautiful!! Her smile just makes me melt!

Lindsey from The R House said...

OH MY GOODNESS! SHE TOTALLY CRAWLS!! she is so delicious. i can't stand being so far away. can't wait to see you guys in november.

Lauren said...

HEAVENS GRACIOUS! she is growing up before my very eyes. what a sweet little angel-pie. Miss her every day, almost as much as I miss you. And Michael is third. :)

Heidi said...

That makes her look so grown up! Yet she is still so small. I can't even believe it. Love her grin

Tessa said...

her head looks really big in proportion to her body in this clip. I'm sure it's half because it is a baby head on a baby body and the head is always the bigger part on a baby, but also in part because of the camera angle :) She's ADORABLE! You sound so happy together! can't wait to see you in 9 days! And reese and michael too!

Jessica F. said...

She is going to be way too mature for baby Sterling by the time he gets here!!!

Chad and Mareille Taylor said...

She is getting so big! I can't wait to see you guys during Thanksgiving break, Hopefully!