I was watching a "behind-the-scenes" type show about inner workings of the Food Network shows and I could not believe some of the things I learned! For example, it takes 14 hours to shoot one thirty-minute episode of "Everyday Italian"...they go through the entire show once in a wide shot as Giada makes all of the themed dishes at her own pace. Then, they go back and shoot the closer shots of things like Giada shredding cheese, picking a clove of garlic out of the bulb, and cutting slices of bread. The "Everyday Italian" kitchen set is not actually in Giada's real house. Food Network rents a house for two months and converts the home's normal kitchen into the set, with the camera tracks, the lighting, and the sound equipment.
30-Minute Meals is taped in New York City, on a set--also not in her real kitchen. During the breaks in taping (to allow for commercial breaks), because all the dishes are really 30-minute meals, they have to take the food off the grill, etc., so that it doesn't burn while they rehearse the next step. (I seriously thought they just went straight through...I mean, Rachael Ray always says she is going to keep "chopping and dropping" during the break...guess not.) I'm not sure if you've ever noticed how they blur out the labels on shows like "Semi-Homemade" or "Quick Fix Meals"...but they aren't allowed to show real company logos on camera. However, on 30-Minute Meals, the labels are never blurred. In fact, I've often noticed the unique brands and packaging of the ingredients Rachael always seems to "have on hand". The Food Network actually has an in-house graphic designer who makes every sticker, label and logo found on all of the canned goods, chicken stock boxes, and bottles on Rachael's set, often using names of people from the Food Network kitchen for the brand names on all of the products. (That is something I really did wonder about. I've noticed the labels and wondered why I had never seen the same labels in my own grocery stores...the mystery is solved!) Clever people over there at the Food Network!
Okay Tar I have always wondered that exact same thing- what are these brands and why do other shows never show brands? hilarious. I just thought they were from some special market in NYC that I would never be able to find them where I live. tee hee. I need to watch that episode of unwrapped!
tar i love your passion for cooking! i wish i had some of that in me and im sure matt wouldnt mind either :) crazy the things that they do for shows that you never know!
Way funny, Ditto to what you and Heid said. I've actually looked many times for her Chicken Stock box at our grocery! ha ha!
great post! i learned so much. was it on "unwrapped?"
you're funny. post again!
That is soo interesting!! I always wondered about the whole label thing too. Very cool!!
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